Sat, 08 February, 2025

Call for Expression of Interest for Consultancy Service for Preparation of Business plan guideline of Water sanitation User committee


Ref: 195-072/73


Call for Expression of Interest for Consultancy Service for Preparation of Business plan guideline of Water sanitation User committee 


Federation of Drinking Water and Sanitation Users Nepal (FEDWASUN) is people based umbrella organization of drinking water and sanitation user's organization of Nepal. FEDWASUN is an organization advocating for the rights of people (users) to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities with its slogan “Water and Sanitation Facilities for All and Forever".


FEDWASUN is conducting the program Accelerating Sustainable WASH for All in Nepal in 3 districts (Nuwakot, Surkhet and Bardiya) in partnership with SIMAVI.

FEDWASUN is looking for consulting firms/organization to prepare Business plan guideline of Water sanitation User committees in these 3 programme districts to assess to improved drinking water sources and significant increase in the sanitation situation in 3 District and water supply schemes on water supply functionality and Water Safety Planning.


FEDWASUN now invites Expression of Interests (EOI) from interested firms/organizations providing profile of organizations, experiences in similar type of work, institutional facilities and CVs of major proposed human resources to carry out this service.


Interested organizations should send EOI to by 27 may 2016. Only shortlisted firms/organizations shall be asked the detail technical and financial proposal to perform the assigned task. For more details please contact to

FEDWASUN, Thapathali, Kathmandu

Phone No: 977-1-4249720